Roulette System Video

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Roulette System Video Demonstration

We will show the roulette professional beating all the normal roulette playing odds where he turns a handful of chips in to thousands of chips in seconds! Showing live and un-cut roulette video clips on the internet is not straight forward because the wheel rotor will appear to jump occasionally. We wish to state that these are not film cuts but are caused by file compression which leads to loss in quailty. We do however keep all original film on record to back up our statements in relation to our video clips.

When watching these live and uncut roulette spins you will probably notice the high quality of our bet position in relation to the ball and the pin that it lands on at the end. This level of accuracy is only possible when you have an accurate method to assess the roulette wheel speed, and your long term success will be directly linked to how frequently you are able to position your bet in this way.

Visual Roulette System | See Our Videos Online


We are so confident in our product that we want to give you as much information as you will need and you will notice that the overall cost of this complete roulette system is very low and could be paid for with less than just one extra £5 en plein winning roulette bet.

To buy now see our Products & Prices page

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